Exclusive Services
Services include assessment, development, and implementation of interventions and supports addressing the physical, emotional, social and spiritual elements to strengthen individuals with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities. Services also include the facilitation of training, revision, and on-going skill development. We specialize in Autism, Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities, Dual Diagnosis, Employment, LGBTQQIA+, Limited or nonlinguistic, Multicultural, and Sexually Maladaptive behaviors.
Supported Living Services

Attendant Care
Attendant services and supports to assist an individual in accomplishing activities of daily living, instrumental activities of daily living and health related tasks through hands-on assistance, supervision, or cueing.
Skills Training
Training will be designed to increase the individual’s skills in completing a specific ADL/IADL.
ADLs: Dressing, eating, toileting, bathing, grooming, and mobility
IADLs: Telephone use, shopping, preparing meals, housekeeping, transportation, medication management(s), and managing finances.
Employment Services

We offer a variety of employment services including job coaching, discovery services, and employment path services.
Our employment opportunities are available in the Clackamas, Crook, Deschutes, Jackson, Jefferson, Josephine, Klamath, Lane, and Multnomah Counties.
Job Development
We are committed to supporting individuals who experience a disability(s) to connect with businesses to obtain employment. We recognize that there is so much talent and through the discovery process, our talented individuals will uncover a myriad of abilities that match their strengths and interests to unearth employment opportunities in the community that meets both their needs and the business needs.
Job Coaching
Once hired our Job Coaches work alongside the individual to aid them in achieving independence in the workplace and to ensure the employers needs are fulfilled.
Job Development activities: Contacting employers, assisting the job seeker to complete employment applications, negotiating job tasks with an employer and/or accompanying the person to interviews.
Discovery Services
We provide Discovery services which includes completion of the State approved Discovery Profile. Our team begins with a person-centered planning meeting to identify an individual’s strengths and interests. From there we do informational interviews of employers, tours, and work assessments to fully discover each individual’s talents and the best employment fit for those talents.
Employment Path Services
Training general or non-job-task-specific skills that can be used in competitive integrated employment in the general workforce.
Services to improve an individual’s employability in the general workforce through learning and work experiences.
Producing services or goods may be incidental to this service, but the primary purpose must be support to develop general skills that can be transferred to competitive integrated employment.
Examples: Taking tours of local businesses, using services provided by the local Oregon Employment Department, job shadowing, informational interviews, internships and other time limited work experiences (paid or unpaid) in the community.
Community Living Supports

Community Living Support
Recreational activities are structured around each person’s interests revealed in the initial stages of the person-centered planning process.
Activities may include:
Interpersonal skills with peers, family, and the public.
Eating out at restaurants
Public Transportation
Nature Therapy
Creative Adventures
Community Inclusivity
The goal is strengthen relationship independently and choses to actively work on those skills and to find places where an individual’s interest, culture, talent, and gifts can be contributed and shared with others.
Professional Behavior Services

Professional Behavior Services may only include:
In-home Consultation
A Temporary Emergency Safety Plan (TESP)
A Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)
A Positive Behavior Support Plan (PBSP)
Maintenance of the PBSP
Training services for the family of an individual to increase capabilities of the family to care for, support and maintain the individual in the home.
Training may include:
Information, education and training about the individual’s disability, medical, and behavioral conditions.
Training to safely manage challenging behavior.
24-Hour Residential (Coming Soon)

Our goal is to create an inviting, welcoming, and family like community for individuals who we support.
Mental Health

BMHC of Oregon partners with Infinite Healing Solutions to provide Mental Health Services for Individuals with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities. Infinite Healing Solutions is highly experienced working with our IDD communities.
Infinite Healing Solutions vital role in our society
Infinite Healing Solutions' entrusts to weaving the social, cultural, environmental, and economic fabric of our society. Infinite Healing Solutions' provides needed services, provide opportunities for community members to participate, advocate for inadequately serviced communities, and pioneer solutions to major social problems.