Donating can make a difference
in so many ways...
BMHC of Oregon is working hard to advance and protect the rights, health, safety, and well-being of people with an Intellectual and/or Developmental Disability.
With additional resources, we could do so much more.
Your donation will support our vision of a socially just, accessible and inclusive community, in which the human rights, citizenship, contribution, potential and diversity of all people with disability are respected and celebrated.

People with disabilities may need support services for many reasons. The services that a DSP provide can improve the quality of life for people with disabilities. With assistance for basic needs, individuals can enjoy personal relationships and develop friendships overtime. Individuals can develop skills on how to overcome depression and other mental problems associated with disability. These services can also allow individuals to learn to be financially independent with the support of their team, including DSPs. Advocacy is key and a DSP can provide that in many different scenarios which can help with confidence and self-esteem when out in the community.
Your gift is a sacred trust that we at BMHC will honor and use your generosity in the most effective way possible within the communities that we serve.
You’ll ease challenges for families and caregivers through compassionate support like:
Assistive technologies and devices such as hearing aids, glasses, crutches, and wheelchairs
Equitable access to educational services and activities, including school clubs and programs
Income-generating opportunities such as job and life-skills training for caregivers
Support for inclusion training, awareness activities, and stigma reduction at individual and community levels
Access to essentials like nutritious food, accessible water sources, and appropriate bathrooms and other facilities
Recognition of basic human dignity and disability rights